Like a blast from the past, my own first time mom misconceptions.
- I thought natural birth was a given as long as you avoided the evil trinity: Pitocin, Epidural, and continuous fetal monitoring.
- I thought putting together a birth plan was like ordering off a menu. “Yes, doctor, I’d like an all natural birth with great atmosphere, hold the medical intervention.”
- I thought if I waited for labor, my baby would definitely come out by 42 weeks. (Nope!)
- I thought the doctors and nurses would be with me for way more of my labor than they actually were.
- I thought my nurse would do less charting and more labor support.
- I thought my husband would intuitively know how to help me during labor.
- I thought c-sections happened to moms who were simply not committed to natural birth.
- I thought all c-sections were done for clear cut medical reasons.
- I thought starting nursing just meant sticking my nipple in my baby’s mouth.
- I thought my breastmilk would flow out continuously whenever my baby was sucking.
- I thought breastfeeding was in short sessions with decent breaks in between.
- I thought I’d be getting a lot more sleep.
- I thought my husband would intuitively know how to help me in the early days with a newborn.
- I thought I’d be able to eat when I was hungry and drink when I was thirsty.
- I thought I'd have a baby, but essentially be the same person inside.